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Today's Performances
13730 Long Day's Journey Into Night
19:00, London
45552 SWIFTIES (Album Release Celebrati...
22:00, London
1937 Standup featuring: Ignacio Lopez
20:00, Birmingham
73 Cuckoo Day walk
18:15, Huddersfield
45505 Dark Matter presents Born in a He...
20:00, Todmorden
45534 Swish Old Skool Party Reload
21:00, Birmingham
28962 Keiron Marshall: Blues Matters Live
20:00, Sutton
73 House tours
14:45, Worcester
73 Rooted in the ruins family quest
10:00, Wareham
Massaoke - 80s vs 90s Live
19:30, Norwich
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Tomorrow's Performances
11484 Twisted Disko - Saturdays
20:00, Manchester
45856 FunkedUp B2B SPECIAL
20:00, Birmingham
31155 Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park...
09:00, Middlesbrough
31163 Mid Ulster Sports Arena parkrun
09:30, Cookstown
14072 Comedy Store - Great
20:00, Torrington
37165 Brighton Pub Crawl
19:30, Brighton
19190 That's Drag Bingo Show
18:00, London
31212 Rye Meadow parkrun
09:00, Abingdon
47403 Beehive // Saturdays - MMU Indie ...
18:15, Manchester
46133 Jelly Jazz: Pete Isaac + Griff & ...
19:00, Torpoint
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Location: Leicester Square, London
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